Interior and exterior painting and tiling completed

The last time I posted about this project, we had completed the main concrete structure and were beginning the roof frame and block work.   We have now completed these tasks, as well as the interior and exterior painting, floor tiling, architectural detailing and more.   Windows are now nearly all installed, and we are entering the final phase of installing bathroom and kitchen fittings.

Concrete frame work complete, now on to walls and roof

The last time I posted about this project, we had just poured the footings, as I recall.   Since then we have completed all of the rest of the concrete structural framework and installed the precast slabs for the first floor and poured the concrete floor topping. I am sorry to report, however, that since this point we have been experiencing some unforeseen delays and our schedule has slipped somewhat.  Among the issues that we have faced are the following.   This house was to use the same thermally insulating building blocks that we have used on a number of our other projects.   However, the factory where they are made has been affected by the extensive flooding that there has been in Thailand and in fact has been forced to close.  The impact of this on the project was that we were unable to source enough blocks for the build.  In fact, we only had enough to complete most of the ground floor walls.   We have since agreed with the client that we shall use conventional bricks for the second floor, though in a double layer with a cavity in the middle for improved insulation.  Roof tiles that were supposed to have been delivered some time ago have also been delayed as a result of the flooding, however, they will at least be arriving shortly.  We have also been delayed in completing the second floor pre-cast slab and topping layer due to a supplier issue and them not having the correct pre-cast slabs prepared.  We will, however, be taking delivery of the correct slabs in the next couple of days.   Our specialist roofing team will be arriving on site in Monday to complete the roof frame and tiling.



First stage columns complete. Grade beam preparations in progress.

We are currently a fee days behind schedule on this project due to the bad weather we have been having in the area recently.   Fortunately the site has not suffered from the flooding that there has been in some other areas in the region, but nevertheless, the rain has still had an impact.    However, we have now completed all of the first stage columns and are up to ground level.  Today an excavator back filled all of the footing holes, so moving forward with the project, the rain should be less of an issue.   Tomorrow we will begin to install the steel cages for the grade beams, which we have been preparing under cover during the rain.

Breaking ground...

We have just begun work own our latest construction project in Nong Wua So district, near Udon Thani.  Yesterday we marked out and excavated the footings.  We used a large excavator, which makes the process very quick, however there is then a certain amount of manual work to be down to neaten up the holes and make sure all footings are to the correct depth, which is what we have been doing today.  We have also added in the initial base layers of sand and concrete to the holes, onto which the main footings will be poured.  Tomorrow is the lucky Buddhist day on which the first two columns will be erected.  The final completion date for this project is March next year, so 6 months from start to finish.   As we are nearing the end of the rainy season now, we should not have any major delays in construction.

Another completed house concept

We have recently completed the initial concept design for a three bedroom two storey home which is to be built in Nong Wua So, near Udon Thani. Our client came to us with an initial design of a home which they liked, but wanted the floor plans and exterior styling developed further into something that more suited their style and requirements. We have worked with them to produce the final design concept that you see below. We are now busy with the structural engineering and planning phase and hope to have a complete set of plans and documentation ready by the end of August. Construction is due to begin in early September.